Content Type - Alert

What is an Alert?

The Alert content type in Drupal is typically configured to handle time-sensitive messages that need to be visible across the website, such as:

  • Maintenance notifications
  • News announcements
  • Alerts for system downtime
  • Temporary warnings or promotions

The alert will appear as banner that is present across the top of every page on a website.

How to use an Alert

Add and Publish an Alert

  1. Go to Content > Add content > Alert.
  2. Fill in the Title (e.g., "Scheduled Maintenance").
  3. Add the Body (e.g., "Our website will undergo maintenance from 2 PM to 4 PM on February 6th").
  4. Save and Publish:

Warning sign with exclamation point in the center

Tips for Using Alerts

  • One at a Time: Only one alert can be actively published on your site at a time
  • Timely Updates: Alerts are great for showing time-sensitive information. Be sure to remove or update them after they expire to avoid clutter.
  • Clear and Concise: Keep the messages short and to the point.