Paragraphs: Rows and Cards
The Tyler Colorado CMS Platform continues to support the content management tool from "Paragraphs: Rows and Cards.” While the "Rows and Cards" functionality is no longer part of Drupal Core, Rows and Cards remains supported by and used throughout the Drupal community as a module.
As such, Tyler Colorado has committed to continuing to support this tool on the CMS platform, and we intend to support its availability alongside Layouts, which, as a part of Drupal Core, is the preferred and recommended tool.
We continue to encourage content managers to explore Layouts and leverage Layouts’ features when developing new content or redesigning existing pages. The Layout Builder Block Headings module enhances site accessibility, lifts design constraints, and empowers site builders and content creators by allowing for the customization of both heading levels and heading styles when block types are configured and when block instances are placed via Layout Builder.
The Tyler CMS Team will inform customers of any proposed change in Rows and Cards availability on the CMS platform with sufficient advance notice to enable those customers with content on Rows and Cards to adopt the use of Layouts as the recommended tool in the future. The Tyler CMS Team is scheduling training for Layout Builder with entities now. Please reach out to Partner Support to request a session. Online training and written documentation are also in development based on feedback from these initial sessions.
Layout Builder: Sections and Blocks
Drupal's Layout Builder allows content editors and site builders to easily and quickly create visual layouts for content display. Users can customize how content is arranged on a single page or across types of content, or even create custom landing pages with an easy-to-use drag-and-drop interface.
The Layout Builder provides the ability to drag and drop site-wide blocks and content fields into regions within a given layout. Additionally, custom "inline" blocks can be created for one-off details specific to a given layout. Layout Builder defines two main concepts used when creating a layout:
- Section: Sections are the containers into which we place blocks. A example of such a container is a column in a 2-column layout. Each layout can have as many sections as required, but must have at least one. Sections create the skeleton of the layout. Once we define the sections, we cannot move them around.
- Block: A block is a content element that we can place into a layout. We place blocks in sections. Blocks represent the content that will appear there.
Frequently Asked Questions
- How do I access the Partner Support Portal?
Here are some instructions on how to access the Partner Support Portal and how to navigate your Service Ticket Dashboard.
Partner Support Service Ticket Dashboard
- Can I convert a node built with rows/cards into one created with sections/blocks?
No. The same way we are not able to convert a Basic Page content type into a Landing Page or an Event content type; we are not able to convert a node generated with to one built using sections/blocks.
- How do I format my Main Navigation?
The configuration to the TBMM Main Navigation is not mapped to Structure Administrator user role. Please reach out to Partner Support when making edits to your Main Navigation, we are happy to make the necessary edits for you.
- How do I implement a redirect?
When implementing redirects between nodes, we recommend the use of the node path. In Drupal terms, a path is the unique end portion part of the URL for a specific function or piece of content. For instance, in the URL
, the path is node/7.Once the node path has been identified we ask that you navigate to the Search and Metadata sub-module and implement the redirect from after researching any previous URL redirects. Here is a scribe to describe the steps for reference…
- Google Analytics
Google Analytics allows your site to be tracked by Google Analytics by adding a Javascript tracking code to every page. Tyler Technologies generates and installs a Google Analytics property to your website and add an administrator. If you need access to your Google Analytics account or would like an account administrator added to your website place a request to Partner Support.
- Google Language Translation
Google Translate enables your websites to dynamically translate text programmatically through an API. Google Translation uses a Google pre-trained or a custom machine learning model to translate text. By default, Google Translation uses a Google pre-trained Neural Machine Translation (NMT) model, which Google updates on semi-regular cadence when more training data or better techniques become available. Google Translate can be added to your website by placing a request to Partner Support.
- Google Programmable Search Engine
Google Programmable Search Engine enables you to create a search engine for your website, your blog, or a collection of websites. You can configure your engine to search both web pages and images. You can fine-tune the ranking, add your own promotions and customize the look and feel of the search results.
- How do I upload documents to my website?
A: This is a 2 part process. The first step is to upload your documents to the site using the steps found on the Uploading Media guide page or in the video Uploading Documents to the Media Library. Your second step will then to be to navigate to the place on your site you want the document for the meeting or agenda to appear, and edit the page. You will want to make a text change to add the text you will link to, and then use the link-it tool to add the link. Steps for using the link it tool can be found on the Using Link-It guide page or in the video Linkit - Using the WYSIWYG Video.
- How do I embed a Google folder?
A: Google Drive folders can be embedded by pasting special embed code into the source of a page, open embed card, or any other content type that gives you access to the WYSIWYG or source view. A standard folder view and a grid view are both possible to embed with Google Drive. Read more about how to embed a Google Drive folder on our Embed Codes instructional page.
- How do I add alternative text to an iframe?
There is a simple 2-step process for adding alt text to your iframes. They are:
- Use the Card - Open Embed or the Card - Basic editor source button to add Iframe code snippets
- Add an aria-label HTML element succinctly describing the iframe content (see screen shot).
- For example, aria-label="Alt text goes here"